Friday, 11 July 2008

The Milk Goat

By Clara Hedricks
You’ve decided that you would like to milk goats. Whether you are going to milk one to two goats for your own use, several goats for your FFA/4-H project, or several hundred as a commercial dairy there are a few basic points to take into consideration when selecting a goat for milk purposes.
The milk goat should have a strong set of feet and legs. She should be able to move about with ease. Her knees should be clean, no puffiness or swelling. Remember she needs to get to the feeder to eat to produce milk.
The dairy goat should be deep in the heart girth and wide in the barrel. She must have good lung capacity and plenty of room for feed. The ideal milk goat is A-shaped when viewed from the side. In other words she will be narrower from topline to underline in the front end and will become deeper as you move towards the rear end of the animal. She will not be parallel from front to back. If you place your fingers between her ribs you will find them to point backwards with a wide spacing between them. Her ribs should be flat boned as opposed to round boned.
A good milk goat in excellent condition should have loose pliable skin and not be carrying excess fleshing. She should be sharp in the withers with an in curving thigh. If the goat has the above-mentioned features she has the willingness and genetic ability to milk.
Look closely at the udder. If should have a wide area of attachment with one third of the udder extending behind the leg when viewed from the side, one third of the udder behind the leg and one third of the udder in front of the leg. The rear udder attachment should be high and wide with no pockets where the fore udder meets the body. If your doe’s udder has the above-mentioned features then she has the udder capacity to provide milk.
Teat size and placement are important when selecting a milk goat. If you will be hand milking your goat select one with teat size that fits your hand, not too small or too large. If you are machine milking the goat the teat should fit into the inflation. The teat should be placed on the outer edge of the half pointing downward or even slightly inward. The medial suspensory ligament should be strong, providing a halving of the udder. The orifice size is important. If it is too small it will take a long time to milk out and if it is too large your doe may leak milk. Upon milking the doe out her udder should be soft and collapse down. If she has a hard udder after being milked out she may have scar tissue in her udder or have some other health issues. If the doe has just kidded she
may have some udder edema which should be gone within one to two weeks. If this swelling persists there are some other problems.
A management tool that is extremely useful in selecting a quality milk goat is DHI records. Ask the owner of the doe if they milk test and if they do ask to see her records. A good milking doe should be producing at least six to eight pounds of milk on a daily basis. On the DHI test sheet you will be able to find information regarding pounds of milk, butterfat and protein content of the milk.
You may also find information regarding SCC 9somatic cell count), high count can be an indicator of some mastitis issues especially subclinical. Be sure the udder is even as this can also be an indicating factor of some problems that have occurred or are occurring.
Sanitation is the key. You want to minimize any opportunity for bacteria to enter the end of the teat canal.
The use of latex or nitrile gloves is recommended. The surface of the milker glove is non-porous and is sanitary. It is impossible to get your hands as clean and sanitary. If you choose not to use gloves, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and keep them clean through the milking process.
Pre-dip the teats. There are a number of different products on the market sold as pre-dips. Read the label. The product should be able to kill bacteria on the teats and still be mild enough as not to dry out the skin on the teats. The product should have lanolin in it.
Strip two to three streams of milk from each teat into a strip cup. You are looking for any abnormalities in the milk. (Please refer to the section on abnormal milk.)
Dry the teats with single use towels. Do not use the same towel on the next animal. Remember your goal is to minimize the spread of bacterial from one animal to the next.
The pre-dip needs to stay on the teat for 30 seconds so it can kill any bacterial on the teat. If the teat does not come clean the first time repeat the process until the teat does come clean.
The process of milking should begin about one minute after preparation of the doe as the milk let down hormone is actively working and the doe is ready to be milked. The longer one waits to milk after this time the less ready the doe will be to let down her milk. Now either hand milk the doe or attach the machine to her.
Upon completion post-dip your doe’s teats. The pre-dip and post-dip should be compatible. For example if you use iodine based pre-dip use iodine based post-dip.
The purpose of the post-dip is to kill any bacteria around the teat end after milking until the orifice closes. Feed your doe right after you’re done milking her so that she continues to stand to minimize the chance of her lying down and getting bacteria into the teat end.
In summary the proper procedure to milking a goat is:
1. Pre-dip
2. Strip
3. Dry with a single use towel.
4. Milk
5. Post-dip
Dipping the teat end is typically better than spraying the teat end as the dipping ensures full coverage of the teat end whereas with spraying it is hard to ensure adequate coverage of the teat end.
Prior to milking your doe. A dairy clip is recommended to reduce debris and hair from getting into your milk. To dairy clip your doe, clip the belly, udder, and rear legs. Your goal is to remove long hair that may collect debris. The quality of your milk is improved by reducing any debris that can get into it.
Work with your veterinarian to develop a management plan and procedure as to how to handle potential sick does. There are different strains of bacteria that cause abnormal milk and different products that work best on a given strain of bacteria. Take a sample of the abnormal milk to your veterinarian to have it tested so you know what types of bacteria you are dealing with.
Upon the completion of milking all of your milking equipment must be washed and sanitized. This is a must for keeping your does healthy and for providing quality milk.
There are a few key points to remember when machine milking. The teat should fit into the inflation. The inflation should not be conti9nually falling off or slipping. A slipping inflation will cause teat irritation followed by udder infections. Vacuum pressure should be at 11.5 to 14 psi depending on your type of system. With a pulsation of 60 – 90 beats per minute. For specific information regarding the set up of a milking system, best milking practices or other milking related questions refer to The Dairy Practices Council has a number of excellent management booklets out. Their information is based on research.
You will need to find an inflation that works best for your. There are a number of styles of inflations and materials that inflations are made from. Do not over milk with a machine, as you will cause teat ends to become irritated and cause additional problems.
To maintain a quality product the milk should be immediately strained and cooled to 38 – 40 degrees F.
If the milk is to be fed to kids it should be pasteurized. Heat the milk to 165 degrees F for 15 seconds. Colostrum should be heat-treated to 130 degrees F for one hour. Heat treatment of the milk kills many harmful microorganisms. Diseases as CAE and Johnes can be passed on to the offspring through the doe’s milk.
Suggested Websites Compiled
By Beth Adams
Pack Goats are a wonderful addition to any County Fair. A Pack Goat Competition will delight not only 4-H/FFA Participants but also the audience. Don’t be surprised if you end up with more spectators after the first five minutes of the competition than the Beef Show. Imagine goats with packs maneuvering over, under, and through obstacles. It truly is amazing to watch. Please refer to sample Pack Goat Show Rules Sheet and Score Sheets for ideas.
Dairy Goat wethers are the pack goats of choice and the average 4-H or FFA members will be overjoyed in the fact that they have obtained pets that will improve in showmanship and be able to attend the fair year after year. This is a wonderful program especially since the advent of the Boer Goat and meat breed crosses have just about forced the dairy breeds, except the Nubian, out of the market goat 4-H/FFA projects. It has taken only three years for this program to grow in Clermont County, Ohio, to 95 pack goats.
As a Youth Leader it is an added benefit to hold one to two pack goat outings during the year. This is a true social event for both the youth and the goats. Arrange a meeting place and time. This can be a state park, national park, any bridle trail, etc. Have the participants pack their lunches and a bottle of water for the goats available in the packs the goats will be carrying. This activity can be as long as six hours or as short as three hours.
Packs can be either purchased from a pack goat equipment supplier or a dog pack will suffice. Many pack goat enthusiasts make their own packs.
Below is some general information regarding selection, health, training, equipment, etc., written by Clay and Charlotte Zimmerman of High Uinta Pack Goats.
PICKING A PROSPECT We don't believe the "perfect packgoat" exists. But, there are attributes that you need to be aware of when picking your prospect. If you are a light, weekend packer you will be able to use a goat with some flaws, but the harder you intend to work your goat, the more of the following items you will have to take into consideration.
Prospects should be: CAE and CL free-(goat viruses-CAE looks like arthritis, & CL is an abscess forming disease) Minimum 34" at the withers-(our Oberhaslis are not this big, but if you want a large load this is the minimum size.) Minimum 200 pounds-(same comment as height, the smaller the mass the less weight they
can carry) Leg length proportionate to body (no dachshund looking conformation) Flat back from withers to loin-(helps carry weight evenly) Withers and croup both same distance from the ground-not going uphill or down-(keeps pack from sliding) Cannon bone 1/3 length of upper leg-(longer stride) Good bone size in legs and feet Wide across hip and shoulders-(good weight bearing surface) Legs track reasonably straight when watched from the front-(elbows should not "wing" out - come away from the body) Slightly hockey-good angles to hocks when viewed from the side and back give better traction and stay sounder than posty (very straight) legs. Body type - (should look muscular in appearance -not a dairy goat type- with thigh/gaskin muscles well defined; shoulders and neck should also show good muscle tone.)
These, of course describe the "perfect" goat, but the harder you plan to work, the more they need to have good proportion and strong bone and feet. (Here we have to say that one of our 'best' packers most definitely does not fit this profile. He is bow-legged, pigeon toed and his hoofs roll as he steps. But it hasn't proven a problem to him as far as we can tell. And we work our boys hard.)
To de-horn or not to de-horn, that is the question. There is a lot of controversy over this. Horns work as a cooling system in goats. They are also a major liability in herd management. The arguments pro and con are many. Whichever you decide on, all your animals should be the same. Most breeders automatically dehorn new kids. The buyer usually must ask for this not to be done if they want horns.
MENTAL ATTRIBUTES A goat can have all the great conformation in the world, but if he's not a "gung-ho" goat mentally, he's worthless as a packer. Good pack goats like to work and spend time with people. It's obvious when they're very small. In fact, if they follow into the training mud puddle for their bottle, they are likely to be good packers. Our experience is that "attitude" plays an extremely important part in a packgoat. We recommend choosing a goat that is friendly, curious, doesn't mind being touched places, and one that has an alertness and brightness to its character.
Some goats are lazy. Nubians particularly have a reputation for this, but this doesn't mean that all are. And Nubian crosses can give you size while maintaining the more work oriented traits of the smaller breeds.
A goat from a reputable packgoat breeder will have been bred to select for gung-ho goat qualities. Goats should show that they are well-socialized and not exhibit fear or aggressiveness toward people. By the time they are weaned, they should not be butting or jumping up on people. It's cute in kids but not in full grown spoiled monsters. Your goat should be willing to respect you, just like any other working animal.
How we do things. Training: Training begins the day a goat is born. For a good packing goat, hand raising it a must. This bonds the goat to humans; makes you a vital part of its herd. The most important training rule to remember is "love and respect your goat". Cute cuddly "kids" grow to be big strong "goats." By nature goats butt and ram each other and will do it to humans unless this is trained out of them at a very young age. The best way is by the "No horns, no heads" rule. As the owner, and dominant of the herd, humans must never "invite" a challenge. This means you do not grab the goat by its horns and tussle. And part two; if the goat lowers it head to butt, gently push its head away on the side of its face. The first year this will be the most used training technique. But as a fully grown
adult packer, that same goat is safe to turn your back on, will follow, anywhere, and wants very much to make you, the human dominant(s) happy. Collar and leash training for your goat must also start very early. They love to walk; they love to be with their herd. They do not like to be pulled on a leash, but many areas require leads on all pack animals, so start them, even before they are weaned. Never yell or hit the goat, this makes them resentful. But like a well trained dog, coax and reward the goat. That first year is the best time to get them to cross water. Most goats don't do this naturally and will find many ingenious ways NOT to get wet. But if fording a river is necessary on a hike, your goat must be able to do it. We actually walk stream beds, so the goats at some point must go through water to follow. Often they will wait until we are out of sight before "plunging in" but all will come before being left behind.
What Do I Need to Consider if I Decide to Purchase a Goat? Land – 100 sq. ft. per goat. Fencing – 5-ft. high field/horse fencing. (With horned goats 4" squares recommend) Shelter – Covered, with at least three sides, dry and blocks main wind flow. Food - hay: alfalfa/grass mix and vitamins. Mineral salt lick. And protein treats Water – fresh daily. Health Care – yearly checkups, worming, yearly vaccinations, and hooves trimmed every 3 to 6 weeks. Companionship – consider 2 goats to keep each other company. Care Cost – about $15 to $20 per month. Exercise – a hike a week or walks during the week. An exercised goat is a healthy goat. Training Time – plan to spend a few minutes each day with the goat to work on commands as well as for bonding
Statistics how much can one carry? Goats can easily carry 1/4 of their total body weight. Fully conditioned packers can reach up to 1/3. A large fully grown wether can easily carry 40 to 60 pounds of gear. That's a lot of stuff, and if you need more you can just add another goat! When can they pack? Too young? Goats can start training with a soft pack (1lb. max weight) at 8 or 9 months. Small loads by (5lbs-10lbs) between 1 1/2 and 2; once a full sized saddle will fit. Between 2 and 4 years, they can carry full (1/4) loads. DO NOT over pack during these two years, as they are still growing! To old? Healthy, well cared for and conditioned goats can pack for many years. We have heard of some that are 15 years plus
Get to know your veterinarian, especially first time owners of pack goats. They will fast become your best friend and advice counselors. Second best source is the Packgoat list online. This is a free list and very informative as goat packers help each other. (See link page to subscribe to the All About Pack goats list)
Goats are easy to care for. These are the signs of a healthy goat. Eyes clear and bright. Tearing or cloudy eyes probably mean a pinkeye infection. Coat smooth and shiny. A dull coat could indicate parasites. Fluffed up coat means the goat is not feeling well. Appetite good. Attitude alert. Hunched back and droopy tail mean something is wrong. Goat Statistics Body Temperature: 102.5° F-104° F Pulse/heart rate: 60 to 80 beats per minute Respiration rate: 15 to 30 breaths per minute
Making the Wether: Banding vs. Surgical Castration We've as yet, have not physically done this ourselves. By the time we get the goats, the
breeders have already done this for us. So the following suggestion and comments are from a veterinarian. Pack goats should be Castrated at 4-6 months, as there is less scarring to result in stricture of the urethra in wethers. Banding earlier as is common, leaves scarring in this area. Castration can be done with Ketamine, a quick acting anesthetic, with the kid up and active again very quickly. Also early castration at about 3 months keeps the growth plates open longer, resulting in a little leggier goat. Because of wethers tendency for urinary tract problems later in life, banding is not the best choice for a packgoat prospect.
Worming: Giving advice on frequency of worming is not easy, as too many factors are involved. The area you live in and the immediate environment your goats live in. Lots of animals in a small space may require worming every 2 months. While few animals on acres of land, may never need worming at all. The best way to know your needs is to do (or have done) a fecal exam before you worm unless your animals are symptomatic. And do another 2 weeks later to see if the drug you used was effective. The tests don't cost much, or with training can be done by the owner. Goats metabolize worm medications faster than other species. That is why they need a higher dose of most worm medications than horse, cattle and even sheep. Another good idea is to rotate the brand of wormer, so that you are not using the same on every two months (if frequent worming is indicated in your area) This is advised by many caprine trained Veterinarians. Routine worming when unnecessary only leads to drug resistant parasites, animals with little or no natural resistance and spending lots of money. Your local veterinarian or breeder can provide the best advice about general conditions that lead to or away from worming in your immediate area.
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Syndrome: Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Syndrome (CAE) is a viral disease. In young kids symptoms include a weakness in the rear legs, with no fever, or loss of appetite. However, the unused legs lose muscle strength and structure and the infected kids eventually die. In older goats, the same disease is seen as swollen joints, particularly the knees. The disease develops slowly, and after 2 or more years, the animal has difficulty using its legs properly. Infected goats have no fever, remain alert, and eat well. However, they do not recover from the arthritis. An inexpensive blood test can be used to diagnose CAE. The disease is spread from older infected goats to kids, perhaps by contact or through the milk from an infected doe to her kid. There are no corrective procedures or treatments. Isolating kids at birth and raising them on pasteurized goat milk is done to prevent the spread. It's a good idea to make sure a goat is CAE free before purchasing. However, the blood test only checks for antibodies, and it's possible that an animal is infected and not (yet) producing antibodies.
Pack Goat Nutrition Pack goats should get 1-½% to 2% of their body weight in feed daily. This means that a 100 pound pack goat needs about 2 pounds of feed a day. A working pack goat needs about 2% to 3% of their body weight in feed per day. If a goat seems to be a little thin, add ½% to 1% more feed each day. When working, a pack goat needs extra fats and proteins which help their muscles work well. Fats and proteins come from the grain mixture. The grain mixture should consist of vitamins and minerals along with oil for fat - corn, oats and/or barley for protein. Most packers agree that wethered pack goats should not be fed a continuous grain diet, nor should they be fed a continuous diet of alfalfa. Grass hay tends to be the best. Alfalfa and grain should not be overfed to pack goats. Wethered goats are prone to urinary calculi (caused by too much phosphorus and not enough calcium). Urinary calculi in a pack goat can be life threatening. To avoid problems with urinary calculi, the grain mixture should be at least 2 or 3 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus. A goat should have plenty of fresh water daily. In areas that are deficient in the mineral selenium be sure
that goats get a mineral mixture that contains selenium (a horse or cattle salt mixture or block works well). In any area a mineral salt lick is preferred, made for that area's deficiencies.
Which Breed is Best? It's anyone's guess and a lot of personal preferences.
What Kind of Goats? There are six breeds of Dairy Goats that are registered with the American Dairy Goat Association that are most commonly used for pack goats. A pack goat can be any breed or cross-breed of goat. All the breeds have different personalities and different physical characteristics. If you are interested you should check out as many breeds as possible before making your purchase. A good pack goat needs to have long, good, strong legs. Personality is a major component of a good pack goat. A good temperament makes up for a lot of size faults with a pack goat. [Taz is one of our smallest goats, But he has endurance and "heart" to spare on long treks. Like the energizer rabbit.] Most pack goats are wethers (neutered males) because they tend to get larger than the females and do not have the odor and behavior problems of bucks.
Alpines The Alpine is a breed of goat that originated in the Alps. The goats of Alpine type that were brought to the United States from France where they had been selected for much greater uniformity, size, and production than was true of the goats that were taken from Switzerland to France. Size and production rather than color pattern have been stressed in the development of the Alpine. No distinct color has been established, and it may range from pure white through shades of fawn, gray, brown, black, red, bluff, piebald, or various shadings or combinations of these colors. Both sexes are generally short haired, but bucks usually have a roach of long hair along the spine. The beard of males is also quite pronounced. The ears in the Alpine should be of medium size, fine textured, and preferably erect. Alpines are attractive animals with white and/or black facial stripes. Color is of little significance to the packer, but to the breeder it is important because the prettier ones tend to sale first. [Unless, like us, you pre-order from a breeder that only breeds what are sold and future breeding stock We agree to accept one of the male kids, sight unseen.] Alpines are fine boned and a little smaller than Saanens or Toggenburgs, but the quest for the monster Alpine to rival or surpass these bigger breeds is firmly under way among reputable pack goat breeders. Mature females should stand not less than 30 inches at the withers and should weigh not less than 135 pounds. Males should stand from 34 to 40 inches at the withers and should weigh not less than 170 pounds. Alpine horns are distinctive, blacker and more tubular, taller scimitar shape. (More antelope looking.) Alpines are hardy, adaptable animals that thrive in any climate while maintaining good health. They are very agile on rocks and very friendly but tend to show increasing independence after two years of age. Weak pasterns occur in some bloodlines, but seldom affect an exercised wether. They train easily and are very in tune to the people with whom they work. Watching for slight movements or gestures, even making eye contact with humans – traits not as common in other breeds. Docile and friendly, but with instincts running at high gear. Only Toggs are as (or more) alert on the trail. Don't ever offend your Alpine wither – he can be sensitive and high-strung after about age three. Alpines tend to be affectionate with people (when it's their idea) and detest being left behind. An older, experienced Alpine can be surprisingly trail wise, remembering the exact lay of a trail it's been on before, even when the trail is covered by a foot of snow, or remembering significant details about a route off the trail. (Even with years between times on the trail.) Any experienced goat can develop this sense, but Alpines seem to be the most adept at it.
LaManchas This Spanish breed originated in Oregon from short eared goats of a type found not only in
LaMancha, but throughout Spain. It has excellent dairy temperament and is an all around sturdy animal that can withstand a great deal of hardship. The LaMancha is (like the Obers) one of the smaller breed used for pack goats. The LaMancha face is straight with the ears (or lack of) being the distinctive breed characteristic. The external, visible part of the ear is like a little tuft with no cartilage. LaManchas come in about any color you like. The hair is short, fine and glossy. Horns are of a lighter brown or black, and smallish, tending to curl back more little the Big-Horn sheep as the animal ages. LaManchas are one of the most consistently lovable and agreeable of all the breeds for a pack goat. Bonding with humans is exceptional. LaManchas will follow you anywhere and therefore are a little easier to train. (In fact the term – underfoot – fits them well.) They are possibly the most intelligent breed. You have to experience the LaMancha to fully appreciate them. [We have loved our Munchies and Munchy mixes. "In Trouble" is another term that they wear well. These boys are the first to cross the ‘camp line' and enter tents, check out the fire, investigate the gear and so on. The LaMancha breeder we acquired Star from told us a good axiom: You will either have to love them, or you will hate them; Munchy's do not allow a middle ground.]
Nubians (correct Registry Name: Anglo Nubian) Nubians were developed in England by crossing British goats with bucks of African and Indian origin. The Anglo Nubian is an all-purpose goat, useful for meat, milk and hides production. It is not a heavy milk producer but has a high average butter fat content. As it is the best suited of the dairy goat breeds to hot conditions, the Anglo Nubian has been used in grading-up programs in many tropical countries to increase the milk and meat production of local breeds. The Nubian is a relatively large, proud, and graceful dairy goat. A mature doe should stand at least 30 inches at the withers and weigh 135 pounds or over, while the males should stand at least 35 inches at the withers and weigh at least 175 pounds. The Nubian goat is named for Nubia, in northeastern Africa. The originally goats imported from Africa, Arabia and India were long legged, hardy goats that had some characteristics desired by goat breeders in England. English breeders crossed these imported bucks on the common short haired does of England prior to 1895 to develop the Anglo-Nubian goat. In the United States the breed is usually spoken of as the Nubian. The Nubian is regarded as an "aristocratic" appearing goat and has very long, pendulous ears that hang close to the head. The Nubian carries a decidedly Roman nose and is always short haired. Horns are thick, and tend to be flatter off the base then the other breed used for packing. Nubian's can come in about any color, solid or patterned, but black, red or tan are the most common colors, any of which may be carried on combination with white. Usually there is shorter hair on the Nubian males, particularly along the back and on the thigh, than is commonly found on the Swiss breeds. The head is the distinctive breed characteristic, with the facial profile between the eyes and the muzzle being strongly convex. The ears are long (extending at least one inch beyond the muzzle when held flat along the face), wide and pendulous. They lie close to the head at the temple and flare slightly out and well forward at the rounded tip, forming a "bell" shape. The ears are not thick, with the cartilage well defined. The hair is short, fine and glossy. Nubians are famous for the duration of milk production and the high butterfat content of their milk. They are also famous in the pack goat community for lying down in the trail when you want them to go. They tend to be the most stubborn of the goat breeds, and are noisy, making a distinctive sound. Even Nubian kids sound like they are complaining. Their size and sturdiness is desirable, but there disposition makes them nearly useless as a pack goat. [That said, all of our Nubian crossbreeds have been excellent packers. But you get "airplane ears" with crossbreeds -- the ears extend from head two or three inches then fall another two to four inches depending on the cross. These outward extending, floppy ears, tend to lend an "I can fly" look to the goat.]
Oberhaslis The Oberhasli is a Swiss dairy goat. This breed is of medium size, vigorous and alert in appearance. Its color is chamois. Does may be black but chamois is preferred. Chamois is
described as: Bay - ranging from light to a deep red bay with the later most desirable. Markings are to be: two black stripes down the face from above each eye to a black muzzle; forehead nearly all black, black stripes from the base of each ear coming to a point just back of the poll and continuing along the neck and back as a dorsal stripe to the tail; a black belly and udder; black legs below the knees and hocks; ears black inside and bay outside; bucks often have more black on the head than does, black whiskers, and black hair along the shoulders and lower chest with a mantle of black along the back. The face is straight. They have erect ears and are a medium small breed. Horns are tan with an easy scimitar curve, but more round. Oberhaslis are one of the smallest breeds used as a pack goat. But they are used for a dairy goat ‘fault' that is very common to this breed. It's called "hockiness," a tendency for the hocks of the hind legs to be turned inward. This makes a goat more agile on rocks, but obviously leaves less room for a large, pendulous udder. A hocky goat can bound up the side of a near vertical cliff. As far as the serious goat packer is concerned, the hocky tendency in the Oberhasli is a fortunate throwback to the natural form of the wild goat. Many Obers seem to be aquaphilic – they like water. [We have not seen it to the point of LIKING, but our Obers did not require water training, they simply followed us through.] This can be a definite advantage since most goats have to be trained to cross streams due to their natural fear of water. Obers have a pleasant, mellow, easygoing personality. Some breeders are working to increase the size on this breed for a better packgoat.
Saanens (pronounced: saw-nen) The Saanen dairy goat originated in Switzerland, in the Saanen Valley. Saanens are medium to large in size, weighing approximately 145 lbs/65kg, with rugged bone and plenty of vigor. Saanens are white or light cream in color, with white preferred. The hair should be short and fine, although a fringe over the spine and thighs is often present. Ears should be erect and alertly carried, preferably pointing forward. The face should be straight or dished. The breed is sensitive to excessive sunlight and performs best in cooler conditions. The provision of shade is essential and tan skin is preferable. They usually have a large udder capacity and are popular with dairies due to the quantity of milk they produce. Saanens are often big boned and sturdy. Horns are large at the base, long, tan in color, and a flattened scimitar shaped, and deeply ringed. This breed's disposition for packing is perfect – super- mellow and quiet, virtually silent on the trail and in camp. These animals are impressive, often packing up to 85 pounds in easy terrain and 60 pound in steep, rocky terrain. the lovable personality is a strong plus, Saanens are most serviceable in alpine elevation and at cooler temperatures. Their light color and pink skin is linked to a tendency to overheat in hot weather, and this holds true for Saanens that have been crossbred with other breeds. Also, some bloodlines tend to be prone to weak pasterns. Generally, this should not be cause for concern if the goats come from a genuine Packgoat breeder.
Toggenburgs The Toggenburg is a Swiss dairy goat from Toggenburg Valley of Switzerland at Obertoggenburg. They are also credited as being the oldest known dairy goat breed. This breed is medium size, sturdy, vigorous, and alert in appearance. Slightly smaller than the other Alpine breeds, the does weight at least 120lb/55kg. The hair is short or medium in length, soft, fine, and lying flat. Its color is solid varying from light fawn to dark chocolate with no preference for any shade. Distinct white markings are as follows: white ears with dark spot in middle; two white stripes down the face from above each eye to the muzzle; hind legs white from hocks to hooves; forelegs white from knees downward with a dark lien (band) below knee acceptable; a white triangle on either side of the tail; white spot may be present at root of wattles or in that area if no wattles are present. Varying degrees of cream markings instead of pure white acceptable, but not desirable. The ears are erect and carried forward. Facial lines may be dished or straight, never roman. Horns are large at the base, long, tan in color, scimitar shaped, and deeply ringed. Generally, Toggs have strong legs and strong pasterns, but beware of short legged strains (more common in the western states.) Wethers should be at least 34 inches high at the shoulder when
four years of age. Toggs are less mellow and independent the other breeds, especially as they get older. Along with these traits comes an advantageous wariness in the woods. This breed makes for an excellent watch goat which is not noisy but will stare in an alarm posture. Furthermore a goat's night vision is remarkably acute. A small tinkle bell on a Togg around camp at night will keep you aware of intruders -animal or human- beyond your own senses. Never lose your temper with or abuse a working Togg, either in the training phase or when the goat is an adult. These are very sensitive creatures that enjoy their independence. They are loyal, but from a distance. Typical behavior is to avoid being saddled, be a model packer until camp is made, then go off quickly and stare back at the human. This is merely a Togg's way of stating his independence. Be accepting. There are worth the patience. Toggenburgs perform best in cooler conditions and have great endurance.

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